Why Can't We Be Sheep?


    I have heard that it is considered bad to be sheep. That for some reason if you depend on someone to guide you then you are in some way weak and if you follow the herd then you are mindless and a follower.  But wouldn't that depend on the Shepard you are following?  Sure, if you have no Shepard and you are mindlessly following the herd off the edge of a cliff, I can see why that would be a problem but if you have your Shepard.  In this case, Jesus.  He will lead you only to greener pastures.  He will protect you from death.  When I say death, I don't mean a very physical death here on earth. No, I mean he saves you from eternal death. This place was meant to be temporary. We are not meant to stay forever.  Our rewards are above in heaven.  All the pain and suffering that you seem to have to endure in life means nothing once you are back home.  This will be a distant memory.

    While we are here though, we are expected to live a good life.  To do that, I believe we should look to someone who can guide us down the right path.  The way of this world is not going to get you into heaven.  That is a fact.  Certain individuals would have you believe that if you deny the existence of God or ignore him all together that it will keep you from having to face consequences later on.  So, what happens to a sheep that wanders off and doesn't stay close to the Shepard?  He is slaughtered or injured and is left alone to die.  The good news is that our particular Shepard has no interest in leaving you lost, and he will leave the 99 to come find you and bring you back.  When he arrives would you scoff and snort and complain that you should be able to do as you please because you are independent and need no help? Would you refuse to follow him back to the safety of his presence?   No, you would be grateful that he seen your worth to the point that he came and retrieved you from certain death. You would gladly follow him and stay close.  Why can we not as people see that Jesus is coming back for us.  He reaches out to you to bring you back into the safety of his presence in so many ways and some of us only scoff and rather deny him or say we don't need him because in his light we may have to see the mistakes we have made. We just might have to change our path to follow closer.

    The darkness is only comforting because it leaves you ignorant to the sin you commit.  Jesus knows we can't be perfect.  He knows we are flawed, and he knows that to get to heaven we need help.  That is why he died on the cross for us.  He didn't do it for some sort of publicity stunt.  He wants us all the be able to come home and be with him and left to our own ways, without him, we will not be able to go home.  He asks so little and is given such little recognition for the sacrifice he made for you.  If someone saved your life and the only reason you are drawing breath right now is because of them, would you not show gratitude.  Would you not see that person as a hero?  Why is it that in this world, doing what is right. Being a good person is looked upon as something restraining?  Why is everyone so threatened by what God asks of us when it is just simply being the best human beings we can be and seeking a relationship with him.  Caring for others and not worrying so much about the appearances, like would it make us look cool or not?  Doing what is right behind closed doors and not waving off the fact that Jesus died for us?  Why is that so Taboo?  I would be very suspicious of anyone or anything that would lead you to believe that there are
no consequences to decisions you make.  We are all sinners.  We all deserve Hell and because of Jesus, we are spared if we simply believe in his sacrifice for us.  That seems so small.  Such a small ask.  Yet so many just can't bring themselves to do it.  It saddens my heart to know there is someone, reading this that won't make it because their own ego and their need to be independent from God trumps what was designed for you.  An eternal life in Heaven.  I will pray hard for those of you who refuse to listen.  I am no better than you but knowing that and knowing Jesus died for me is the thing that will keep me from burning in Hell.  Please Accept Jesus into your life.  Let him lead you back to the flock and stop resisting because of some foolish need to be in control.  None of us are in control.  Trust me.


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