Don't Give Up During Your Giving Up Phase.

 The Giving Up Phase

Have you ever wanted to give up? I mean not like at small things like learning to crochet or learning to draw but at life? Give up trying? I personally have never felt this myself, but I can't even begin to imagine the pain it must cause to feel like there is no other way. Now when I say "Phase" I don't say that to lessen what someone is going thru. This Phase can last days, months or even years and it can be very debilitating.
When we suffer personal loss or heartache or maybe a horrible disease like depression steals your joy from you every day and those around you think that you need to just re-route your thinking then they have never truly been in a dark pit of existence and every time you try to climb out yourself the walls keep crumbling away under your hands. This is not your fault.
First, I would ask that you seek some professional advice. If you have depression and the medicine doesn't seem to be doing what it needs to then perhaps you need to have it looked at and maybe tweaked or changed. If you do not have depression but you are going thru a depressive state, then that is just as important. So please seek advice from those who can help you. Friends and Family, though they mean well are not equipped to know how the brain works and their well-meaning words can cause you even more despair and pain.
Second, I would say find something to ground yourself in. I would advise seeking God and praying because the more you do it the more you feel like you are really being heard and a lot of times it's not about getting advice, it's about feeling like you are being listened to. I am not posting this to force God down your throat but to simply say that if you have not tried to reach out to him. What could it hurt?
Third, Stop blaming yourself for not being happy like everyone else. You are a human being with emotions and the way those emotions work is not black and white. What makes other people happy may not be the same for you and you may find joys in other things. Don't feel pressured to put on a smiling face for other people because that must feel so lonely.
You are not alone. Thousands of people deal with the very real feelings you have on the day to day and it's always a gamble if they will be able to seek the help they need or not. Being sad all the time and not finding joys in things you once loved, is not normal. I am not talking about a game you used to play or a show you used to love watching. I am talking about, family get togethers don't excite you anymore. That being by yourself is the only thing you can cope with cause you feel everyone expects you to act a certain way.
I am not a psychologist, but I have witnessed sadness that seems to run deeper than the situation calls for because I have seen it in people I love, and I ask you to see yourself important enough to seek help and find your joy again. Whatever the reason, it's not too small. If it bothers and upsets you, it's valid. If you wake up and you don't know if you can handle another day. That's valid and you are worth the time of someone to help you not only get thru it but to also see that maybe it not happen again or as often. Have a blessed day and I hope this post finds the person it needs to because God put it on my heart to write it.


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